Owner Bio
b. 1374- d. 1441
Title: Countess of Hainaut
Motto: Unknown
Symbol: Unknown
Parents/Up one generation
Same generation
Children/Down one generation
Teylingen (8 October 1436-9 October 1436)
Cambrai (12 April 1385)
Le Quesnoy (31 December 1440-2 January 1441)
Senlis (c. December 1416)
Book Count: 18
KBR MS 9509: Des cleres et nobles femmes. Confirmed ownership 16 February 1431-1441? by Inventory. Confirmed ownership 16 February 1431-1441? by Instance of borrowing.
NE 1044: Epitaph for Counts Willem IV, V, and VI. Possible ownership c. 1417 by Other.
NE 780 (perhaps KBR MS II 1043, ff. 29-39): Poème en l'honneur de Marguerite de Bourgogne. Possible ownership 14??-1441? by Dedication.
NE 781: Proprietez des choses. Confirmed ownership 16 February 1431-1441? by Inventory. Confirmed ownership 16 February 1431-1441? by Instance of borrowing.
NE 782: La messe de Machault; la messe Vaillant; la messe Rouillart. Confirmed ownership 16 February 1431-1441? by Inventory. Confirmed ownership 16 February 1431-1441? by Instance of borrowing.
NE 965: Epithalame. Possible ownership c. 1385-14?? by Other.
NE 981: Geijdenboek. Confirmed ownership 1385-1441? by Other.
NE 982: Getijden van Maria, zeven boetepsalmen en andere gebeden. Confirmed ownership 1387-1441? by Other.
NE 983: Nieuwe boeken. Confirmed ownership 1408-1441? by Other.
NE 984: Cité des dames. Possible ownership 1408?-1441? by Other.
NE 985: Lofdicht. Possible ownership post-1420?-1441? by Other.
NE 986: Bijbel. Possible ownership c. 1441? by Archival Mention.
ONB Cod. 2573: Livre du roy Modus et de la royne Ratio. Confirmed ownership 16 February 1431-1441? by Inventory. Confirmed ownership 16 February 1431-1441? by Instance of borrowing.
ORAL 7: Verse story. Confirmed ownership 13 June 1408 by Other.
ORAL 8: Poems by blind poet from Cologne. Confirmed ownership November 1408 by Other.
ORAL 9: Marguerite, fleur de valeur. Possible ownership pre-1441? by Other.
Private Collection, Turin-Milan Hours: Livre d'heures. Possible ownership c. 1420-1441? by Other.
Tours, AD d'Indre-et-Loire, 2.I.2 (formerly NE 157): Miroir Historial v. 4 (with Bib. der Rijksuniversiteit, Vossius gall. f° 003 A; Arsenal 5080; Chateaudun BM MS 627). Confirmed ownership September 1439-2 January 1441? by Archival Mention.